Best Conversion Guide (pt.1)
All the previous posts have been preparing you for this moment— from the impact of words, and mastering your audience, to boosting your headline game. These are all tools to help your copy have the best possible performance. Now, that you have a deep understanding of your target audience and know what words to use to make your headlines stand out, it’s time to get down to business and explore how to turn your readers/listeners into customers.
In marketing, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel, all you have to do is pay attention to what strategies others are using on you, carefully analyze how they were able to persuade you into buying their product/service, take note of it, and figure out how you can apply these principles to YOUR marketing.
AIDA and PAS are two very effective and commonly used frameworks in copywriting that you can use as the blueprints for your copy.
AIDA stands for Attention-Interest-Desire-Action. When writing for a cold audience (they’ve never heard of you) AIDA is your best bet to get them invested in your offer. Most ads use this structure, they grab your attention with a great headline, get you interested with a valuable offer, portray their item/service as the thing you’ve been needing for so long, and invite you to buy said item/service before it runs out or spaces fill up.
PAS stands for Problem-Agitation-Solution. This structure, on the other hand, is usually what marketers use on a warm audience (they know of you, but need a little more convincing to make a purchase), therefore you’ll see this structure most in emails.
Have you ever gotten an email that gets your attention because the subject line reads something along the lines of “struggling with___?” “Tired of___?” and other questions of the sort? When you receive these emails at the right time, you may even feel like they’ve read your mind.
Well, the truth is that they know you as their audience, so they know you’re interested in their product/service because you’ve provided them with your contact info. They know it’s just a matter of time before you make a purchase.
They send you emails that will get your attention by pointing out a problem you have (talking directly to you). Then the body of said email agitates you with a detailed explanation of the seriousness of this problem. And ultimately, they calm you down by providing a solution to your problem: their product or service.
These frameworks are not rigid, you can play with the structure and use variations and combinations of both, such as AIPASDA. There’s lots of room for creativity in any marketing strategy. The more you experiment with different structures and concepts, the better your approach will be if you can identify which of them produces the best results.
With this newfound awareness of strategies that marketers use to turn their audience into customers, you can now spot them when they are applied to you, take a moment to study them and learn how to apply them to your marketing.
This knowledge will take your writing/content to the next level and help you turn a passive audience into your biggest supporters. You can do much more to drive conversions, but we’ll leave it a this for now, and in the next blog post we’ll go over more technical tips to increase profits.
Have a blessed weekend💟